Wednesday, February 3rd


Aujourd’hui, vous avez eu un test sur le Canada et la Jamaïque, puis vous avez découvert une image du film Cool Runnings.

The description of the picture

The document is a screenshot from « Cool Runnings! »

In the picture, there are two men in the middle.

They are in Jamaica because:

– the man on the right has a Jamaican hat and dreadlocks like Bob Marley

– he is wearing overalls with a Jamaican flag.

– it’s hot and sunny and there is a beach in the background.

The man on the right is reading a book.

The two men are curious and dubious.

Homework for Tuesday, February 23rd:

– être capable de présenter l’image de Cool Runnings (leçon)

Wednesday, February 3rd (the third)


Aujourd’hui, vous vous êtes entraîné.e.s à utiliser le génitif avec la famille de Dracula.

Dracula’s family

Mavis is Jonathan’s wife.

Jonathan is Dennis’s father.

Dennis is Dracula’s grandson.

Vlad is Dennis’s great grandfather.

Winny is Wanda’s daughter.

The Queen’s family name is Windsor.

Homework for Monday 22nd:

Revoir toute la leçon sur la famille royale et Hotel Transylvania (U3-Recycle) 

>> Evaluation mardi 23 février

Information about Canada and Jamaica (culture, …)

Wednesday, February 3rd

Information about Canada and Jamaica (culture, …)

In Canada, there are many forests and mountains.

In winter, there is snow and it is cold.

In summer, there is sun and it is hot.

In Jamaica, there are many forests and beaches.

In winter and in summer, there is always sun and it is always hot.


In Jamaica, the most popular sports are cricket and surfing because there is the Caribbean sea.

They like eating fish, chicken, goat… with a lot of spices.

In Canada, the most popular sports are ice-hockey and bobsled because there is a lot of snow.

They like eating pancakes with maple syrup.

Wednesday, February 3rd


Today, you worked on comparison.

Let’s compare and debate

B. Obama is slimmer and more astute than D.Trump.

A Samsung is cheaper than an I-phone.

I think boys are freer than girls in the street.

I believe teens are happier and more creative than adults.

Homework for Monday, February 22nd :

être capable de comparer différentes choses et personnes (leçon)

Tuesday, February 2nd (the second)


Aujourd’hui, nous avons parlé des règles au musée et au tennis et au football.

Rules at the museum

At the museum, you can’t touch anything.

You can’t use your mobile.

You can’t take pictures.

But you can look at the art.

Rules at football

At football, you can kick the ball with your foot and you can hit the ball with your head, but you can’t touch the ball with your hand.

Rules at tennis

At tennis, you can hit the ball with your racket and you can touch the ball with your hand, but you can’t kick the ball with your foot.

Homework for Monday, February 22nd:

être capable de parler des règles au musée ou au tennis ou au football.