Monday, February 22nd


Today, you prepared sentences to have a debate about boxing and dancing with new vocabulary and you revised the comparative.

Then, you discovered expressions to agree and disagree!

Let’s debate

Write three sentences and justify.

– You are the father: you think ballet dancing is for girls.

– You are Billy: you think ballet dancing is for everybody.

Homework for Wednesday 24th:

– préparer ses arguments en tant père ou fils + expressions pour débattre

Wednesday, February 3rd


Aujourd’hui,vous avez fait des exercices avec M. Hattais et moi-même pour apprendre à choisir entre le présent simple et le présent BE + ING.

Voici une petite vidéo pour vous rafraîchir la mémoire (pour l’instant, concentrez-vous uniquement sur la première partie !)

Homework for Monday, February 22nd:

  • finir l’exercice de la fiche sur les 2 présents et relire la leçon.

The differences in the 2nd day for Ruby

Friday, February 5th

The differences in the 2nd day for Ruby

1- On the first day, she went to school with her mom whereas on the 2nd day she was alone escorted by US marshals.

2- She didn’t have the same outfit. She had a white jacket and pink dress whereas on the 2nd day, she had white only clothes. (ribbon)

3- On the 2nd day, she had 2 bags: one for school and one for lunch.

4- On the 2nd day, there was a graffiti on the wall (« nigger » and « KKK »). It was very offensive.

5- On the 2nd day, the mob was extremely aggressive: they spat* at Ruby and they threw* tomatoes at her.

Segregation in a Louisiana school

Friday, February 5th

Segregation in a Louisiana school

Ruby Bridges was the first black girl to go to an only white school.

She wanted to be like rich people so she had a pink ribbon, a pink dress, a pink school bag. She was elegant with a coordinated outfit.

She wanted to make a good first impression but she was stressed out. It was her first time, she was alone, people were protesting in front of the school and they insulted her.

  • waited -> bored
  • didn’t have school -> happy