Tuesday, February 23rd (the twenty-third)


Aujourd’hui, nous avons travaillé sur la description physique (p. 39 WB).

Mavis’s and Frank’s description

Mavis has got a round face, a small nose, big blue eyes, straight black hair and a lovely smile.

She is not very tall and she is slim.

Frank has got a long square face, a small nose, small ears, short black hair, a big smile and large feet.

He is very big and very tall.

Homework for Monday 1st:

– être capable de présenter Mavis et Frank (leçon par coeur)

The screenshot of the movie

Tuesday, February 23rd

The screenshot of the movie

In the picture, there are 2 characters / 2 men.

The scene takes place in Jamaica.

It’s sunny and hot: the characters have overalls and a tank top.

In the background, there is the beach and the Caribbean sea.

One man has a green, gold and black hat like Bob Marley and the Jamaican flag.

The 5 biggest differences in the two extracts

Tuesday, February 23rd

The 5 biggest differences in the two extracts

1- In the first extract, Ruby was stressed out whereas in the 2nd extract, she was determined and she didn’t care.

2- In the 2nd extract, there were 2 graffiti: it was written « nigger » and KKK (nigger = an insult / KKK: Ku Klux Klan = a racist organization)

3- In the first extract, Ruby had a pink dress and ribbon whereas in the 2nd extract, she had a white only outfit.

4- In the first extract, there was no fence to protect her. In the 2nd extract, she didn’t have her mother but she was escorted by 4 US marshals.

5- The 2nd extract was more violent: someone spat* at her and threw* a tomato at her.

The Debate

Tuesday, February 23rd

The Debate

Father: I think dancing is more for girls.

Billy: I don’t agree. Dancing is for girls and boys. Many boys like dancing.

Father: Bullshit! Boxing is more popular! And it’s more technical!

Billy: Now come on! It is as technical as dancing! For boxing, you only use your fists but for dancing you must use your body!

Vocab: strenuous / demanding / hurtful / violent / physical

Monday, February 22nd (the twenty-second)


Ce matin, nous avons commencé une nouvelle séquence U3L1: A legendary family!

Vous avez découvert l’arbre généalogique de Dracula (p. 56 BOOK + Sticker 9)

Cet après-midi, nous nous sommes concentré.e.s sur la description physique de Mavis et Frank (p. 57 BOOK and p. 39 WB)

Dracula’s family tree

This is Mavis.

She’s a vampire.

Jonathan is her husband. (son mari à elle)

She is Dennis’s mother.

This is Mike.

He is a human.

Jonathan is his son. (son fils à lui)

He is Dennis’s grandfather and Linda’s husband.




Homework for Tuesday 23rd:

  • EVALUATION sur le Génitif avec la famille Simpson
  • être capable de présenter Mavis et Mike (p. 56 BOOK)
  • connaître le vocabulaire de la description physique de Mavis (p. 39 WB)