A new leather jacket for Chris

Friday, March 12th

A new leather jacket for Chris

The scene takes place in Brooklyn in NYC in 1983.

The main character is Chris: a teenager who looks like a child but he wants to look strong and tall.

He imagines with a leather jacket he can be cool and popular.

In 1983, a leather jacket was the most fashionable and elegant outfit.

Chris doesn’t have money, it is expensive but there is a good discount today.

Everybody Hates Chris 01

Wednesday, March 10th


Today, you discovered a new document and described it.

Would you like to go to Australia?

The document is an ad for Australia. It encourages people to go to Australia.

In the middle, there is a woman and a kangaroo in the foreground.

The kangaroo is looking at the woman, and she‘s smiling back.

In the background, there are mountains, a clear blue ocean and a perfect sky. The landscape is amazing!

In the right corner, there is a logo with a coloured kangaroo, a yellow sun and a caption: Tourism Australia.

It is not very realistic because kangaroos are wild animals, they don’t stand next to humans.

I would / wouldn’t like to go to Australia because…

Homework for Thursday 11th: être capable de présenter la pub et de dire si vous voulez y aller et pourquoi.

Wednesday, March 10th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez mimé tout le script PART 1, 2 and 3! C’était une belle chorégraphie, nous la montrerons à M. Hattais demain !

Demain, nous finaliserons l’ensemble, et mercredi prochain vous serez évalué.e.s à l’oral.

Homework for Thursday 11th: connaître le dialogue en entier.