Chris’s final solution

Friday, March 19th

Chris’s final solution

Finally, Chris asks his father to work with him.

But, on the first day, he doesn’t wake on time = he oversleeps.

On the second day, Chris wakes up early and he gives coffee to his father. He wants to apologize.

They work together: they deliver newspapers

They load the newspaper in the truck

They drive in NYC

They throw the newspapers in the street.

Wednesday, March 17th


Aujourd’hui, nous avons parlé de ce que vous êtes capable de faire ou non (CAN / CAN’T + Base verbale) et de ce que vous aimez faire ou non (LIKE + V-ING).

Vous avez fait un exercice d’entraînement de passage à la 3ème personne du singulier au présent dans le cahier.

Homework for Monday 22nd:

  • être capable de répondre à la question « What do you like doing? » (ce que tu aimes faire ou non).

Wednesday, March 17th


Today, you played the Experience game! Aziz and Charlotte won* !


Morgan has already been* to the USA once. It was ten years ago.

Grégoire has already eaten* snails once. It was disgusting.

Inès has already bungee-jumped once in Algeria five years ago and she was scared.

Pierre-Alan has already cheated for an English test. No, it’s a joke!

Alex has already downloaded music illegally many times because it’s expensive.

Homework for Thursday 18th:

– être capable de parler d’au moins 2 expériences de camarades + connaître les participes passé vus en classe.