Description of the family

Thursday, March 25th

Description of the family

The document is a screenshot from an animated movie for kids: the Lorax.

In the middle, there is a family: a boy, his mother, and his grand-mother.

They have curly and frizzy hair.

In the background, there are 3 windows and outside there are big houses. It’s at night because there is the light on at the top.

The family is eating or playing and speaking together.

Vocab: baseball bat / football

Description of the Lorax (the end)

Friday, March 26th

Description of the Lorax (the end)

  • Can you describe the scenery?

In the background, there is the wild. There is a river or a lake. On the right, in the foreground, there is a cut tree. There are many flowers and green grass everywhere.

  • What is he doing?

The Lorax is showing the cut tree and saying: « What happened? You destroyed my tree? »

Description of the Lorax

Thursday, March 25th

Description of the Lorax

  • What is the document ?

The document is a screenshot from the animated movie: the Lorax.

  • Can you describe?

In the middle, I can see the Lorax. He is a very cute monster. He has orange hairs

… a yellow mustache and yellow eyebrows.

He is very small and a little fat.


Thursday, March 25th

Thursday, March 25th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez décrit une 2ème capture d’écran puis regardé un remier extrait du dessin animé.

Enfin vous avez révisé comment décrire une image avec M. Hattais pour être prêt.e pour l’évaluation de mercredi prochain.

The family in the dining-room

The document is a second screenshot from the animated movie The Lorax.

In the middle, in the background, there are three characters. They are a family in a dining-room: a son, a mother and a granny.

On the right, in the foreground, there is a door. And next to the door, there is a football and a baseball bat. So I think the boy is sporty.

There is also an umbrella and a coat hanger.

It is at night because the light is switched on and it is dark outside.

I think they are eating or playing a game…

The electronic trees

The mother doesn’t like real trees because they are messy and dirty. In Autumn, there are many leaves. It’s clean.

The electronic tree is clean. It can change colours with the season. For example: in winter, it’s blue / white like the cold / like the snow.

Vocabulary: winter / spring / summer / autumn



1- What is the document (type of document)?
2- Can you describe (the main character)?
3- Can you describe the rest?
4- What are they doing?
5- What are they feeling?


Homework for Wednesday, March 31st:

Quick test = Savoir présenter et décrire une image.

Thursday, March 25th


Today you had a test about experiences.

Then, you discovered some new vocabulary to talk about Ben’s personality.

Ben’s personality

Ben is a great communicator and he is extremely open-minded because he loves meeting new people.

He is very energetic because at the beginning of the video he jumps and speaks very fast and also because he has already done* a lot of different activities.

He is extremely adventurous: a nature and sea lover and an outdoor person because he has already scuba-dived and crossed deserts.

Monday 29th:

– être capable de parler de Ben et de sa personnalité (2 leçons)