Thursday, April 1st


Aujourd’hui, nous avons fait un point sur le travail à distance. RDV la semaine prochaine sur Pronote pour la suite et d’ici là j’attends vos enregistrements audio sur !

General information about Australia

On the Australian flag, there is the UK flag and 6 stars that represent the regions in the country.

Australia is in Oceania in the Southern hemisphere.

It is the biggest island in the world.

Its capital city is Canberra but the largest city is Sidney.

The most broadly spoken language is English and you need Australian dollars to buy something.

Homework for Wednesday 7th: enregistrer en audio la trace écrite et l’envoyer sur Rendre un devoir.

Movie Extract 1 : Devil Wears Prada

Thursday, April 1st

Movie Extract 1

The document is an extract from a movie.

The main character is Andrea. She wants to find a new job. Before, she was a reporter at a newspaper.

She is not very rich; she doesn’t have an elegant outfit. She doesn’t have a luxury car with a personal chauffeur. She takes the subway.

She eats an onion bagel in a bakery.

She thinks her talents are more important than her looks.

devil wears prada_long version

Andrea’s job interview

Wednesday, March 31st

Andrea’s job interview

The document is an extract from a movie.

The scene takes place in NYC in an office.

It is Andrea’s job interview.

Before her interview, her boyfriends says « good luck ».

She eats an onion bagel in the street and she takes the subway.

Emily welcomes her at the office.

Miranda is the boss of the company.

Andrea wants to become the 2nd assistant of the fashion magazine but Emily thinks her chances are poor.

  • She doesn’t have the looks and
  • she doesn’t know the name of the boss

=> She is a joke.

The description of the Once-Ler and the price of the story

Wednesday, March 31st

The description of the Once-Ler and the price of the story

He has green hands. They look like a tree or he has green gloves.

He has yellow eyes. Maybe they are lenses or he is a monster!

He is curious because he looks outside the blinds. He peeks out the shutters like a spy.

  • The price of the story: you must pay 15 cents, a nail, the shell of a snail and put everything in a tin pail at the end of a rope.

If you pay, the Once-Ler tells you the story of real trees.

Tuesday, March 30th


Aujourd’hui, vous vous êtes entraîné.e.s à jouer à Who’s who? (page 40 WB). Puis nous avons révisé du vocabulaire de la description physique (page 50-51 WB).

Who’s who?

Is it a human or a monster?

It’s a monster.

Is it a woman or a man?

It’s a woman.

Has she got big blue eyes?

No, she hasn’t.

Has she got long hair?

Yes, she has.

Is she tall?

Yes, she is.

Is she Martha?

Yes, she is.

Homework for Thursday 1st:

– être capable de jouer à Who’s who? (leçon par coeur)

– connaître le vocabulaire page 50-51 WB