Monday, May 3rd (the third)


Aujourd’hui, nous avons revu quelques points sur la description physique puis vous avez décrit Jonathan ou Vlad.

The description of Jonathan and Vlad

This is Jonathan. He is a human and he is Dennis’s father. He has got short curly red hair, big brown eyes, small ears, a small nose and a big smile.

He is not very tall and he is slim. His feet are big.

He is funny and cool but he is not very serious.

Homework for Tuesday 4th:

– être capable de présenter Jonathan (leçon par coeur).

Lundi 10 mai TEST U3L1 (voir blog)

Monday, May 3rd (the third)


Aujourd’hui, nous avons regardé un 2ème extrait du film The Lorax et trouvé les différences avec le texte du livre.

The movie VS The text

– In the text, the Once-Ler has yellow eyes while in the movie he has blue eyes.

– Unlike in the text, in the movie Ted rings at the door.

– In the text, you must give the 3 elements to the Once-Ler whereas in the movie the Once-ler doesn’t care and the shell, the nail and the 15 cents are on the floor.

Homework for Tuesday 4th: connaître au moins 2 différences entre le film et le texte.

Presentation of Australia

Hi guys,

today we worked on speaking about a presentation dealing with Australia.

You had to illustrate 5 slides from a slideshow about the country.

1- Australia is situated in the Southern hemisphere.
2- It’s the 6th largest country in the world but there are only 20 million inhabitants.
3- Canberra is the capital city but it’s not the largest city. Sydney is the most populated city in Australia. The biggest cities are in the south.
4- The Aborigines are the first inhabitants in Australia.
5- They painted the oldest paintings on walls and they play the didgeridoo: the most ancient musical instrument on earth.

Zach’s presentation about Australia

Télécharger la version éditable (.pptx)


Monday, May 3rd (the third)


Aujourd’hui, vous avez fait un pairwork pour connaître le profil de votre camarade.

Cet après-midi, nous avons continué et commencé à réflechir à votre profil de superhéro.ine.

Naoufel’s profile

My friend Naoufel likes playing video games, watching TV and playing outside, but he doesn’t like drawing.

He can climb but he can’t swim and he can’t play an instrument.

So I think he has the profile of a geek.

PLAY au présent simple

Forme affirmative

Forme négative

I play

You play

He/She/It plays

We play

They play

I don’t play

You don’t play

He/She/It doesn’t play

We don’t play

They don’t play

Do you play football?

Does she play football? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

Homework for Tuesday 4th:

– être capable de présenter le profil de Naoufel.

The story of real trees !

Monday, May 3rd

The Simpsons (correction)

(feuille à coller)

Drawbacks and Advantages of trees

For Ted’s mother, real trees are messy and dirty.

They have a lot of leaves. They can change colours only in Autumn.

Electronic trees have a remote: they can play music, they have a disco mode and they can change colours.

They are very clean and tidy.

Ted’s objective

Ted wants to see real trees and he wants to talk to the Once-Ler about the story.

The price of the story: fifteen cents, a nail, and the shell of a snail.