The problems of the dabbawalas

Thursday, November 19th

The problems of the dabbawalas

They don’t have a vehicle -> they use the train, they share 2 bikes and use hand-drawn carts.

They don’t use any technology.

They are illiterate -> They can’t read and write.

There are many people in the street. Mumbai is the most densely-populated city in India.

However, the service is excellent! It’s a five-star service thanks to a colour code. The lunch-boxes are colour-coded.

Thursday, November 19th


Aujourd’hui, nous avons repris les questions du teacher ensemble.

Ensuite, vous avez visionné la 2ème partie de l’audition de Malaki et vous avez donné votre avis sur ce qui allait se passer ensuite.

Questions for the teacher

Document 1: The opening credits

– What‘s the music?

– What‘s the TV show about?

– What can the candidates do?

Document 2: The logo

– What‘s the document?

– Can you describe the logo?

– Can you complete (for the stars…)?

– Can you repeat? / Can you help?

Document 3: Audition 1

– Can you present the candidate?

The audition – Part 2

Malaki stops to sing because he’s very moved and nervous.

The presenters are shocked.

My opinion in the future

I think he will continue to sing and stop to cry.

I guess the spectators will applaud and be supportive of Malaki.

I suppose some spectators will applaud and some will laugh.

I believe his mum will fall dead on the floor.

Homework for Wednesday 25th:

  • être capable de dire ce qui va se passer pour Malaki (2 phrases).
  • Revoir logo / music / Malaki Part 1 and 2.

Thursday, November 19th


Today, we started a new sequence: Step back into the past! and you described a picture.

Le comparatif de supériorité

Il sert à comparer deux choses ou personnes entre elles : PLUS…QUE.

– avec un adj. court : adj-ER + than

– avec un adj. se terminant par – Y : adj-IER + than

– avec un adj. long : MORE + adj. + than

Real or fake?

In the picture, there are four characters.

In the middle, there is Queen Elizabeth II (the second).

She‘s wearing a white dress, a blue scarf with medals and white gloves. She has a crown and jewels. She’s very chic and elegant.

On the right, there is Prince Philip, the Queen’s husband.

On the left, there is Prince Charles, the Queen’s son.

They are wearing military uniforms with a lot of medals.

The hairstylist is brushing the Queen’s hair. She’s the only real person. The others are wax statues !

HW for Monday 23rd : TEST SEQUENCE 2 + être capable de dire 3 phrases pr présenter le DOC 1 SEQ 3.