Monday, January 11th (the eleventh)


Ce matin, vous avez été évalué.e.s sur la saynète Episode 2 des Jones, it was a very good job!

Cet après-midi, nous avons parlé des règles à Joliot-Curie.

Rules at school

– Can you fight in the classroom?

No, you can’t. / Yes, you can.

In the library, you can read comics but you can’t use your mobile.

In the playground, you can talk with your friends, but you can’t fight.

In the classroom, you can’t be silly and you can’t eat chewing-gum.

You can run in the playground.

You can’t be late at school.

Homework for Tuesday 12th:

– être capable de parler des règles au collège (leçon).

Monday, January 11th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez récapitulé toute la routine de Paige et vous avez eu un aperçu de votre test de demain.

Paige’s routine

Every Monday morning, first, she wakes up and she gets up at 6:30 a.m.

Then, she goes to the bathroom to take a shower.

She brushes her teeth and combs her hair.

After that, she plays with her cat.

Next, she has breakfast.

She puts on her coat and she goes to work.

She walks and finally she takes the subway to Bron.

Homework for Tuesday 12th:

Evaluation sur une de vos routines…

Monday, January 11th (the eleventh)


Aujourd’hui, vous avez décrit une image et regardé ensuite une vidéo pour en apprendre plus sur les matières scolaires dans les écoles britanniques.

Food technology

The document is a screenshot from a video.

There are four boys in a classroom.

They have got a uniform: a black, white and red tie, a white shirt a black apron.

They are in Food Technology because they cook.

The four boys are excited !

Homework for Tuesday 12th:

– être capable de présenter le screenshot (leçon)

– connaître au moins 10 matières scolaires.