Wednesday, January 27th


Aujourd’hui, nous avons poursuivi notre découverte du Canada et de la Jamaïque en récapitulant la première partie de votre webquest.

The Canadian and Jamaican geography

Canada is a big country.

It is between the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific ocean.

The USA is under Canada.

The capital city is Ottawa.

There are 37 million inhabitants.

They speak French and English.

Jamaica is a small island.

It is next to the USA and Mexico. And it is in the Caribbean sea.

The capital city is Kingston.

There are 3 million inhabitants.

They speak English and Patois.

Homework for Thursday 28th:

– être capable de donner 5 infos sur le Canada et la Jamaique.

Wednesday, January 27th


Aujourd’hui, nous avons commencé U3 Re-cyle : This is my family.

Vous avez découvert la famille royale britannique.

The Royal family

I’m Prince William.

My wife is Kate Middleton.

My brother is Prince Harry.

My grandmother is Queen Elizabeth II (the second).

My father is Prince Charles.

My mother is Lady Diana.

My stepmother is Camilla.

My sons are Prince Louis and Price George.

My daughter is Princess Charlotte.

Homework for Monday 1st:

– recopier la leçon The Royal family sur le blog et l’apprendre par coeur.

Segregation laws (2)

Wednesday, January 27th

Segregation laws (2)

In the parks, b & w people couldn’t play together.

They couldn’t watch movies in the same cinemas (theaters).

Afro-American police officers couldn’t take a shower in the same bathrooms as white officers.

Black people had to sit at the back in the buses.

Afro-American people had to wait in segregated waiting rooms.

In restaurants, they couldn’t sit at the same tables.

They had to sleep in different hotels.

-> they were considered 2nd-class citizens.

Thursday, January 21st


Aujourd’hui, vous avez eu une évaluation surprise sur la leçon. Il faut faire attention à bien apprendre ses leçons régulièrement !

Ensuite, vous avez terminé vos recherches sur le Canada et la Jamaïque sur tablette.

Homework for Wednesday 27th:

  • être capable de présenter les drapeaux du Canada et de la Jamaïque.