Thursday, January 28th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez fini de vous poser des questions sur le Canada et la Jamaique.

Landscapes and culture

In Canada, there are many mountains and forests.

In winter, it is cold and snowy.

In summer, it is sunny and hot.

They like playing ice-hockey and American football and they love doing bobsled.

In Jamaica, there are mountains, tropical forests, beaches and the sea.

It is always hot and sunny.

They love surfing and playing cricket.

Homework for Wednesday 3rd:

Evaluation sur le Canada et la Jamaique.

Segregation laws in the past after slavery

Friday, January 29th

Segregation laws in the past after slavery

Segregation was everywhere in the USA after slavery.

For example:

Afro-American baseball players and white players couldn’t compete together in the same teams.

Black and white people had to use separate toilet facilities.

Black barbers couldn’t serve white women and girls.

Afro-American people couldn’t bury their family with white people.

Wednesday, January 27th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez regardé un premier extrait du film Cool Runnings pour comprendre le sujet du film.

Bobsled in Jamaica!

Bobsled is a winter sport.

In a bobsled team, you must have:

– a steady driver,

– three strong runners to push,

– and ice !

In Jamaica, there are no penguins, no igloos, no Eskimos and no ice, because it’s hot and sunny.

The man is shocked and he goes away because he thinks his friend is crazy.

A bobsled is a pushcart with no wheels.

Homework for Monday 1st:

– être capable de présenter l’extrait vidéo 1.

– revoir Canada and Jamaica (evaluation)