Monday, February 1st (the first)


Aujourd’hui, nous avons parlé de la famille royale de nouveau et découvert le génitif !

The Royal family tree

Prince William is Charlotte’s father.

Camilla is William’s stepmother.

Archie is Harry’s son.

Kate is William’s wife.

Prince Philip is Queen Elizabeth the second’s husband.

Charlotte is William’s daughter.

Louis is Archie’s cousin and Harry’s nephew.

Homework for Tuesday 2nd:

– connaître la leçon Royal family tree

Monday, February 1st (the first)


Aujourd’hui, nous avons parlé des règles à Joliot-Curie.

Vous vous êtes posé.e.s des questions, puis vous avez récapitulé les règles.

The rules at Joliot Curie

Can you eat chewing-gum in the classroom?

No, you can’t. / Yes, you can.

In the classroom, you can’t fight and you can’t be silly.

In the playground, you can run but you can’t use your mobile.

In the library, you can read comics but you can’t be late.

In the corridors, you can talk with your friends.

Homework for Tuesday 2nd:

connaître les règles à Joliot Curie par coeur.

Wednesday, January 27th


Aujourd’hui, nous avons commencé U3 Re-cyle : This is my family.

Vous avez découvert la famille royale britannique.

The Royal family

I’m Prince William.

My wife is Kate Middleton.

My brother is Prince Harry.

My grandmother is Queen Elizabeth II (the second).

My father is Prince Charles.

My mother is Lady Diana.

My stepmother is Camilla.

My sons are Prince Louis and Price George.

My daughter is Princess Charlotte.

Homework for Monday 1st:

– recopier la leçon The Royal family sur le blog et l’apprendre par coeur.