Aujourd’hui, vous avez appris du nouveau vocabulaire pour jouer à Who’s who.
Ensuite, vous avez découvert une image de l’épisode 3 de la famille Jones.
Cet après-midi, vous avez regardé la vidéo et vous avez pris des notes (p.42 WB).
Vocabulary for the game: Who’s who?
a beard / a moustache / earrings / a piercing / a tattoo /
medium-long hair / a fringe / a cap / a hat / lipstick / glasses
Is he black/white/tanned?

In the bedroom…
The document is a screenshot from the third episode of the Jones family.
There are four characters in a bedroom because there is a bed, a desk and a chair.
The bedroom is messy because there are books, trainers and papers on the floor.
On the right, there are four pictures of family members.
Amelia shows pictures of her family on her mobile.
Wintera’s presentation
They have a school project: « what’s your favourite family member? »
Amelia can’t choose, because her family is unique.
Grandma Wintera can freeze time and water but she’s very grumpy.
Homework for Tuesday 16th:
– être capable de présenter l’image 1 et de parler des pouvoirs de Wintera