Tuesday, January 5th (the fifth)


Aujourd’hui, vous avez récapitulé les informations sur Shonny et son uniforme. Ensuite, nous avons appris plus de vocabulaire en écoutant la description de Tom et Emily (p. 23 WB)

Shonny’s presentation and uniform

Her name is Shonny.

She is almost twelve.

She is from The United Kingdom, she is British.

She has got a new uniform: a tie, a shirt and a blazer.

She is excited because she has got new friends.

She is nervous because she has got new teachers.

Tom and Emily:

Homework for Thursday 7th:

– être capable de présenter Shonny et apprendre le vocabulaire page 23 WB.

Monday, January 4th (the fourth)


Aujourd’hui, nous avons commencé une nouvelle leçon U2L1: British schools et vous avez décrit deux petites images avant de regarder la vidéo de Shonny (WB p. 25).

In her British house…

In picture 1, there is a girl in a garden because there are flowers.

In picture 2, there is the same girl. She is in her bedroom because there is a bed.

She is British because there is a British flag on the wall and she has got a uniform.

Homework for Tuesday 5th:

– être capable de présenter les 2 images (Leçon cahier)

Tuesday, December 15th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez fait un pairwork pour savoir ce que vos camarades ont dans leur trousse.

What have you got in your pencil case?

Jean has got a compass, a rubber, scissors and a blue pen, but he hasn’t got a ruler.

Homework for Thursday 17th:

QUICK TEST matériel scolaire + être capable de dire ce qu’on a ou pas dans sa trousse.

Monday, December 14th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez écouté deux conversations en classe!

In the classroom

In the picture, there are boys and girls in a classroom.

They have got a red and white uniform.

One girl has got glasses.

Peter is in Maths class and he has got a problem.

He hasn’t got his book but he has got a ruler and a calculator.

Dory is in Art class and she has got a problem.

She hasn’t got her scissors but she has got a glue stick and Ø felt pens.

Homework for Tuesday 15th:

– être capable de parler du problème de Dory ou Peter.

– revoir le vocabulaire des school objects.