Monday, February 1st (the first)


Aujourd’hui, nous avons parlé des règles à Joliot-Curie.

Vous vous êtes posé.e.s des questions, puis vous avez récapitulé les règles.

The rules at Joliot Curie

Can you eat chewing-gum in the classroom?

No, you can’t. / Yes, you can.

In the classroom, you can’t fight and you can’t be silly.

In the playground, you can run but you can’t use your mobile.

In the library, you can read comics but you can’t be late.

In the corridors, you can talk with your friends.

Homework for Tuesday 2nd:

connaître les règles à Joliot Curie par coeur.

Thursday, January 21st (the twenty-first)


Aujourd’hui, vous avez regardé l’épisode 2 de la famille Jones et complété la page 25 du WB.

Amelia and Oliver at school

In episode 2, the teacher presents Amelia and Oliver to the class.

At school, there are classrooms, sport pitches and there is a drama hall.

– Oliver can’t teleport at school.

– Amelia can’t use her powers at school.

– Tim and Sophia can’t tell the secret.

– Morph can’t be at school.

Homework for Monday 25th:

– connaître leçon par coeur.