Aujourd’hui, nous avons continué à parler de l’uniforme à Charlton.

Rules for the uniform – Part 2
They must wear black shoes but they mustn’t wear trainers.
They must wear a red, yellow, purple, green or blue tie with stripes.
They must wear a pale blue shirt.
They must wear a jumper with the school crest but they mustn’t wear a jumper with a different logo.
They must wear an apron in Technology.
In winter,
– They must wear a blue or black coat, they mustn’t wear a leather or denim coat.
– They can wear a scarf.
Homework for Wednesday 7th:
- TEST Rules in class (leçons + fiche)
- connaître les règles pour l’uniforme à Charlton
For thursday 8th:
- être prêt.e à interviewer la danseuse et avoir une tenue pour danser