Today, you had a test on Sequence 2.
No homework for tomorrow.
Today, you had a test on Sequence 2.
No homework for tomorrow.
Today, you revised the rules in class, the rules at Charlton and the problems and permissions in class.
Then, you gave me back your final task!
Homework for Tuesday 3rd: EVALUATION sur toute la Séquence 2.
Hi guys,
today we worked on this video:
Here is what you said about it:
Monday, November 2nd
Rules in class (video)
You mustn’t take pets to school.
You mustn’t eat in class.
You mustn’t shout.
You must arrive on time.
You musn’t be cheeky.
You must wear a school uniform.
You must do your homework.
You mustn’t watch TV a lot but you must sleep early.
Hi guys,
today, after the tribute to Samuel Paty, we continued our class with a new document: Problems and Questions in class.
We just spoke about 4 pictures:
I don’t understand -> Can you explain, please?
I can’t see the board -> Can you step aside, please?
I can’t hear -> Can you speak up ? / Can you repeat ? / Can you replay ?
Hi guys,
n’oubliez pas, pendant les vacances, certaines classes de 5ème doivent finaliser par binôme leur poster « Crazy Rules ».
Voici à nouveau les consignes pour bien visualiser les attentes.
Take care!