Tuesday, October 19th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez découvert la suite du règlement sur l’uniforme à Charlton ainsi que leurs règles concernant les boissons et la nourriture.

The uniform rules – part 2

They must wear a tie in the House colours with stripes.

They must wear a pale blue shirt.

They must wear a pullover with the school crest.

They mustn’t have any other logos.

In Technology, they must wear an apron.

In winter, they must wear a black or blue coat and they can wear a scarf.

They can drink water in class.

They mustn’t drink fizzy drinks and cans at school.

Parents must give a lunch box to the children.

HW for Wednesday 20th:

– être capable de présenter les règles sur l’uniforme et sur la nourriture à Charlton.

Tuesday, October 19th


Aujourd’hui, nous avons découvert la 2ème partie du règlement sur l’uniforme à Charlton, c’est un collège vraiment très strict!

Charlton uniform – Part 2

The pupils must wear a tie with the House colours and stripes.

They must wear a pale blue shirt.

They must wear a pullover with the school crest.

They mustn’t wear any other logos !

In Technology, they must wear an apron.

In winter, they must wear a black or blue coat and they can wear a school scarf.

HW for Wednesday 20th: être capable de présenter les règles à Charlton (2 dernières leçons)

Thursday, October 14th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez découvert le règlement sur l’uniforme d’une école britannique qui existe vraiment.

Charlton’s rules for the uniform

The pupils at Charlton must wear a uniform.

At the top:

– They must wear a shirt, a tie and a jumper with the school emblem.

– They mustn’t wear a zip-up jacket or a hoodie.

At the bottom:

– They must wear black trousers.

– Girls can wear a skirt.

– They mustn’t wear skinny trousers.

The shoes:

– They must wear black shoes.

– They mustn’t wear trainers (leather or canvas).

Homework for Tuesday 19th:

– être capable de donner les règles sur l’uniforme à Charlton.

Wednesday, October 13th


Aujourd’hui vous avez découvert l’uniforme des élèves de Charlton.

The uniform at Charlton

The pupils at Charlton must wear a uniform.

The top:

They must wear a shirt, a tie and a jumper.

They mustn’t wear a zip-up jacket or a hoodie.

The bottom:

– They must wear black trousers.

– Girls can wear a skirt.

– They mustn’t wear skinny trousers.

The shoes:

– They must wear black shoes.

– They mustn’t wear trainers.

Homework for Thursday 14th:

– être capable de présenter l’uniforme de Charlton (leçon par coeur)