Tuesday, November 9th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez découvert les règles en EPS à Charlton.

The PE rules at Charlton

The pupils must bring a complete PE kit: a polo shirt, shorts, trainers and socks.

They must write their names on the clothes.

They must have a towel for the shower.

They must use a roll-on deodorant but they mustn’t use a spray deodorant because it’s dangerous.

They can wear trainers for medical reasons.

HW for Wednesday 10th:

être capable de parler des règles en EPS à Charlton.

Wednesday, October 20th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez découvert les règles en cours de sport à Charlton.

The rules in PE at Charlton

They mustn’t wear trainers at anytime.

They can wear trainers for medical reasons.

They must wear trainers and they must have a PE kit.

They must bring a towel for the shower.

They must use roll-on deodorant but they mustn’t use spray deodorant because it’s dangerous.

They must write their names on the clothes.

HW for Thursday 21st:

– êter capable de parler des règles en cours de sport.

Wednesday, October 20th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez découvert les règles sur la nourriture et les boissons à Charlton.

Rules about food and drinks

At Charlton, they can drink water in class.

They mustn’t bring fizzy drinks and cans at school.

Parents must give a lunch box to the children.

1 child / 2 children

HW for Thursday 21st:

– se préparer à interviewer l’assistante américaine (relire les questions)

– apprendre les règles Food and Drinks.