Catégorie : Anglais 5ème5
Tuesday, October 13th
Rules at Charlton: food and drinks
At Charlton, you can drink water in class but you mustn’t drink fizzy drinks and cans.
Parents must cook lunch for the children because they don’t have a canteen.
Vocabulary: a lunch box = a packed lunch

Monday, October 12th
Rules of the school uniform
You must wear a tie. You can choose the colour.
You must wear a pale blue shirt.
You can wear a maroon or navy pullover (=sweatshirt, jumper).
In Technology, you must wear an apron.
In winter, you can wear a blue or black coat (=jacket).
You can wear a scarf when it’s cold.
You mustn’t wear a jumper with a brand.
You mustn’t wear a leather or denim coat.

Monday, October 12th (the twelfth)
Marion’s presentation
It‘s a girl. Her name is Marion.
She is 33 years old. She has one little brother. He is 30. She has one cat (its name is cat-cat).
She loves speaking Japanese and English.
She enjoys dancing. She likes watching « La Haine » and anime. She loves listening to Kery James.
She doesn’t like drinking fizzy drinks.
She hates watching horror movies.
Friday, October 9th
Presentation of Marion, the dancer
It’s a girl. She is 34 years old. She lives in Lyon and she is French.
She has one little brother. He is 30 years old. She doesn’t have any sisters.
She has one cat. Her name is « cat cat ».
She loves dancing. She enjoys watching anime but she doesn’t have a TV!
She likes playing video games like Donkey Kong.
She doesn’t like playing team sport. For example, she doesn’t like playing soccer.
Hi guys,
voici de petits exercices, à faire et à refaire pour être parfaitement prêt.e.s pour le test de vocabulaire sur les règles.
Ready, steady, go !