Monday, October 5th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez révisé les règles en classe.

Ensuite, nous avons parlé de l’uniforme dans l’école anglaise de Charlton.

Rules at Charlton

The uniform is an obligation in England.

Students must wear a shirt, a tie and a jumper with the school badge.

They mustn’t wear a zip-up jacket or a hoodie.

They must wear black trousers, but they mustn’t wear skinny trousers.

Girls can wear a skirt or trousers.

Homework for Tuesday 6th: apprendre la leçon Rules at Charlton

Wednesday 7th: TEST sur rules at school (leçons + fiche surlignée)

Monday, September 28th


Aujourd’hui, nous avons commencé une nouvelle séquence : Let’s talk about the rules.


Rules in class


You mustn’t use your mobile in class.

You mustn’t eat candies in class.

You mustn’t drink fizzy drinks in class.

You mustn’t be late.


You must be on time.

You must write the date in your copybooks.

You must speak English in English class.

You must line up correctly in the corridors and in the playground.


You can drink water in class.

You can open the window when it’s hot.

You can put up your hand and you can ask a question.


Homework for Tuesday 29th:

– connaître au moins 2 interdictions, 2 obligations et 2 possibilités.

Wednesday, September 23rd


Today you had a test on Sequence 1 and you gave me back your questions for the interview.

Then, we did the test correction.


It‘s a girl. Her name is Chloe. She is fifteen. She lives in Bath. She has two brothers and one little sister. She has one big fat dog: Crookie, he is crazy!

She loves chatting on Facebook, she enjoys playing games on her tablet and she likes singing too, but she doesn’t like running during PE lessons.


Homework for Monday 28th:

finir de recopier la correction du test dans le cahier.