Tuesday, June 22nd

What actually happened?

Actually, the customer took* a gun in his bag.

He shot* in the ceiling, but it was* an accident.

Then, he changed his mind and he took* a lunch menu.

Everybody was* extremely scared.

The burger in the picture was* bigger and more appetizing than in reality.

Monday, June 21st (the twenty-first)


Aujourd’hui, vous avez découvert l’extrait du film que vous allez jouer ensuite !

A problem at the fast food

The document is a video extract from a movie.

It is in an American fast food.

There are three characters: a waitress, a customer and a manager.

The customer wants breakfast but it is three minutes late. The waitress says he can have lunch.

The customer wants to speak with the manager.

But the manager is not nice, he is laughing at the customer.

HW for Tuesday 22nd: connaître les 4 premières phrases du script.

Wednesday, June 16th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez joué le rôle du serveur ou de la serveuse et pris la commande at the fancy restaurant.

Ordering at the fancy restaurant

First, the man ordered tomato soup. Then, he ordered chicken curry. For dessert, he took* apple crumble. And finally, he took* a bottle of sparkling mineral water and a cup of coffee.

The woman ordered salad. Then, she ordered fish with peas and potatoes. For dessert, she took* home made ice-cream. And finally, she took* a glass of wine and a cup of coffee too.

HW for Monday 21st: – être capable de donner la commande au fancy restaurant.

Tuesday, June 15th


Aujourd’hui, vous vous êtes entraîné.e.s à commander dans un fast food et vous avez ensuite découvert une photo d’un restaurant chic.

At the fancy restaurant

The document is a picture of a fancy restaurant because:

– the waiter is very elegant. He has a tie, a white shirt and a white apron. And he is very polite because he said*: « Madam » and « Sir ».

– the tables are very tidy. There is a white cloth and there are beautiful glasses.

– the customers are very chic. The woman has a dress and the man has a shirt.

It is a British restaurant because, there are British specialties on the menu, for example apple crumble and tomato soup.

HW for Wednesday 16th:

– être capable de parler du Fancy restaurant.