Catégorie : Anglais 5ème1
Monday, December 14th
Presentation of Asanda
Her name is Asanda. She is eleven years old.
She likes Beyonce and Rihanna.
She loves dancing.
I think she can sing extremely well and she can dance very well.
She is extremely energetic and very easy-going.
She is very cheerful and a little funny.
But she is extremely narcissistic.

Thursday, December 10th
What is Malaki like?
Malaki is nervous, scared and shaky.
He has a panic attack and a stage fright.
-> He is extremely shy on stage.
Hi guys,
today you had a test about BGT and then we continued the lesson with an exercise to talk about your personality.
Thursday, December 3rd
The reality!
In reality, his mother comes on stage and cries too. She hugs him.
The jury comes on stage too.
The spectators applaud and encourage Malaki.
-> He has a 2nd chance, he can sing again.
Tuesday, December 1st (the first)
Suppositions (2)
I think Malaki will not fall dead on the floor.
I believe his mother will come on the stage and she will encourage him.
I guess the spectators will encourage him too.
I suppose the jury and the spectators will not laugh.