Catégorie : Anglais 5ème1
Tuesday, October 6th
Rules at Charlton School: the uniform
At Charlton, you must wear a uniform.
You must wear a jumper with the school badge (it’s a lion).
You must wear a shirt and a tie.
You mustn’t wear a zip up jacket or a hoodie.
Girls can wear a skirt or trousers.
Boys must wear trousers.
They mustn’t wear skinny trousers.

Thursday, October 1st (the first)
Rules in class (2)
In class, you can open the windows.
You mustn’t use your phone. You mustn’t listen to music and send messages.
You mustn’t chat on Facebook or Snapchat.
You must line up in the corridor and in the playground.
You must write the date in your copybook.

Tuesday, September 29th
Obligation, Interdiction, Possibility

In class, … you can …
you must …
you mustn’t …
In class, you can raise your hand and you can ask a question.
In class, you can drink water but you mustn’t drink fizzy drinks.
In class, you mustn’t be late but you must be on time.
In class, you mustn’t eat candy but you can eat candy at home.
Ne pas oublier de rendre sa lettre au correspondant.e.s avec 3 paragraphes sur du beau papier et bien présenté.
1- Présentation (de vous et d’un.e ami.e)
2- Vos goûts
3- Des questions à poser pour découvrir l’identité de l’autre.
-> N’oubliez pas les formules de politesse au début et à la fin de la lettre.