Today, we started a new Sequence: Health and Sports and you described the first document.

Ad campaign n°1
The document is an ad campaign.
It encourages people to eat healthy.
On the right, there is a woman, she‘s eating a salad with tomatoes and lettuce.
She looks happy because she‘s smiling.
In the background, there are kiwis.
At the top and at the bottom, there are slogans:
– you should eat your colours everyday.
– you should eat five pieces of fruit and veggies everyday.
> SHOULD sert à donner des conseils. On ne prononce pas le L.
Other pieces of advice:
– you should walk 30 minutes everyday.
– you shouldn’t smoke.
– you shouldn’t watch screens before going to bed.
Homework for Wednesday 30th:
– être capable de décrire l’image 1 (voir blog) et de donner 2 conseils.