Mr Crazy’s habits

Tuesday, October 13th

Mr Crazy’s habits

1- For breakfast, he usually eats mouldy lettuce to be green.

2- For breakfast, he always has boiling hot milk to have a beautiful smile.

3- For breakfast, he sometimes eats out of date yoghurt because he doesn’t have a stomach.

4- For lunch, he never has fresh tomatoes because he doesn’t have a heart, it’s not important!

5- For dinner, he hardly ever has eggplants because he is crazy, he doesn’t have brain.

Thursday, October 8th


Today, you gave* pieces of advice to Mr Crazy.

Then, you discovered a document from Michelle Obama’s website.

Pieces of advice for Mr Crazy

He should brush his teeth and he should take a shower.

He should eat five pieces of fruit and veggies everyday.

He shouldn’t smoke.

He shouldn’t drink alcohol.

He shouldn’t eat junk food.

He should eat healthy food.

Let’s move!

The document is a list of advice.

It is from Michelle Obama’s website.

It encourages people to move, to have physical activities because in the US, there is a problem with obesity.

Homework for Monday 12th:

– learn the pieces of advice for Mr Crazy.

– be ready to present Let’s move

TEST: donner des conseils, parler de ses habitudes alimentaires et décrire une image.

Wednesday, October 7th


Today, Aymen was* a very good teacher at the beginning and at the end of the class!

We continued to talk about Mr Crazy’s crazy food habits.

Mr Crazy’s habits

1. Mr Crazy usually eats boiling-hot chicken because he loves when it burns.

2. He sometimes drinks mouldy banana juice for breakfast because he loves throwing up.

3. He always has human flesh for dinner because he is a cannibal.

4. He sometimes eats rotten sheep brain for lunch because he thinks he will become clever.

Homework for Thursday 8th:

– être capable de donner 2 habitudes folles de Mr Crazy.

TEST on Monday 12th:

  • être capable de parler des habitudes alimentaires
  • être capable de donner des conseils
  • être capable de présenter, donner l’objectif et décrire une campagne.

The rainbow poster

Tuesday, October 6th

The rainbow poster

The document is a commercial about vegetables and fruit.

I can see the slogan at the top: « Eating a rainbow is healthy« .

It’s a metaphor. You should eat fruit and vegetables everyday.

At the top and at the bottom, I can see many fruit and veggies.

In the middle, I can see 6 captions.


Slogans ->

You should eat healthy, it’s good for your body.

heart / blood / joints / skin / eyes / stomach / immune system / bones / brain