Monday, June 21st

The profile of the victims

They were* all prostitutes.

They were* all alone in the streets at night.

They all lived in Whitechapel, and they were* killed in 1888.

Some were drinking before the murders, but some were just going home or eating. And some were talking to a potential customer.

HW for Wednesday 2:

connaître le profile des victimes et ce qu’elles étaient en train de faire.

The testimony

Thursday, June 17th

The testimony

The murder happened on the 9th of September at 2 a.m.

The victim was asking for money in the street.

She was waiting for a customer and she was drinking to forget about this situation because she was very poor.

Jack the Ripper and she went* into Dorset street.

What were the victims doing?

Monday, June 14th

What were the victims doing?

She was drinking at the pub when Jack the Ripper kidnapped her.

She was working in the street when she met* her killer.

She was eating potatoes when the murderer arrived in her kitchen.

She was drinking in the street when the police arrested her.

They were walking, drinking and laughing when they arrived at her house.