Aujourd’hui, nous avons fait un point sur le travail à distance. RDV la semaine prochaine sur Pronote pour la suite et d’ici là j’attends vos enregistrements audio sur !
General information about Australia
On the Australian flag, there is the UK flag and 6 stars that represent the regions in the country.
Australia is in Oceania in the Southern hemisphere.
Then, you discovered some new vocabulary to talk about Ben’s personality.
Ben’s personality
Ben is a great communicator and he is extremely open-minded because he loves meeting new people.
He is very energetic because at the beginning of the video he jumps and speaks very fast and also because he has already done* a lot of different activities.
He is extremely adventurous: a nature and sea lover and an outdoor person because he has already scuba-dived and crossed deserts.
Monday 29th:
– être capable de parler de Ben et de sa personnalité (2 leçons)