Monday, September 29th


Today, we started a new Sequence: Health and Sports and you described the first document.

Ad campaign n°1

The document is an ad campaign.

It encourages people to eat healthy.

On the right, there is a woman, she‘s eating a salad with tomatoes and lettuce.

She looks happy because she‘s smiling.

In the background, there are kiwis.

At the top and at the bottom, there are slogans:

– you should eat your colours everyday.

– you should eat five pieces of fruit and veggies everyday.

> SHOULD sert à donner des conseils. On ne prononce pas le L.

Other pieces of advice:

– you should walk 30 minutes everyday.

– you shouldn’t smoke.

– you shouldn’t watch screens before going to bed.


Homework for Wednesday 30th:

– être capable de décrire l’image 1 (voir blog) et de donner 2 conseils.



Wednesday, September 23rd


Today, you prepared your bonus final task with a news article from the web about Elvis.

Elvis Presley

WHAT ? It was* the 40th death anniversary of Elvis.

WHO ? He was* an extremely famous American singer: the King. Fans came* to Memphis and they had* a candlelight vigil.

WHERE ? They gathered /d/ in the Garden of Meditation, in Memphis.

WHEN ? It was* in 2017, three years ago.

WHY ? The King was* really famous and he has fans all around the world.

Homework for Thursday 24th:

TEST : être capable de parler des vacances de quelqu’un.e (voc. + verbes + revoir leçon prétérit)

For Monday 28th: rendre sa NEWS de l’été ou de la rentrée (50 mots) en répondant aux questions : Who? What? Where? When? Why? en faisant des phrases simples au prétérit. > A rendre sur feuille ou par e-mail avec une jolie présentation.

Monday, September 21st


Today, you continued to talk about the summer news.

Summer news – Part 2

  1. This summer, in the USA, policemen shot* Jacob Blake seven times in the back. His three kids saw* everything from the car. He didn’t die but he’s fighting for his life. People protested /id/ against this tragedy in the street with the slogan « Black lives matter ».
  1. The British street artist Bansky helped /t/ migrants with a boat called Louise Michel. He saved /d/ 130 people but many countries didn’t accept to take them.
  2. There was* a heatwave in France in July and August. It was* even more difficult because of the corona virus and the masks.

Homework for Wednesday 23rd:

  • connaitre 3 news par coeur sur les 6


Thursday, September 17th


Today, you made* a recap about your classmate’s holidays to the class and then we started to talk about important summer news.

My classmate’s holidays

Last summer, during the holidays, Alex saw* his friends but he didn’t swim in the ocean.

He went* to the cinema and he stayed /d/ in a hotel.

He didn’t eat fish and chips but he ate* pizza.


Ritual: What did you do yesterday after school? last weekend?


Summer news

  1. Space X, an American company, launched a rocket with two men in space. It was* a success!
  2. The female soccer team of Lyon won* the European tournament. The men from the PSG lost* against Bayern!
  3. The Tour de France was* postponed and started on August 29th.

Homework for Monday 21st:

– être capable de parler d’une actualité de la leçon par cœur.

– être capable de parler de ce que tu as fait ce weekend.