Catégorie : Anglais 4ème1
Monday, November 9th
Physical activities outdoors
You should ride your bike in the park or the mountain.
You should hike in the forest because you will be concentrated and creative in class.
You should rock-climb in the mountain.
You shouldn’t explore the city, you should explore the countryside.
-> You should get out and get active!

Thursday, November 5th
Advice to move with your family
You should clean your bedroom; you should vacuum your house or do yard work.
You should celebrate your birthday with physical activities. For example, you should hike, play volleyball or Frisbee.
You shouldn’t watch TV a lot. You shouldn’t sit during television commercials.
You should go to the park, swim or ride your bike with your family.

Monday, November 2nd
Advice or tips for Mr Crazy
He should …. He shouldn’t…
-> He should brush his teeth after breakfast, lunch and dinner to have a white smile.
-> He shouldn’t drink boiling hot milk because it’s extremely hot and dangerous.
-> He shouldn’t eat mouldy lettuce because it’s bad for your stomach. He should eat fresh lettuce.
Hi guys,
today you took a test about food and then we corrected an exercise with Mr Crazy’s menu.
Here is the test:
And the 2 possibles documents:
And here is the correction for Mr Crazy’s exercise:

Tuesday, October 13th
Mr Crazy’s habits
1- For breakfast, he usually eats mouldy lettuce to be green.
2- For breakfast, he always has boiling hot milk to have a beautiful smile.
3- For breakfast, he sometimes eats out of date yoghurt because he doesn’t have a stomach.
4- For lunch, he never has fresh tomatoes because he doesn’t have a heart, it’s not important!
5- For dinner, he hardly ever has eggplants because he is crazy, he doesn’t have brain.