Catégorie : Anglais 3ème2
Monday, March 22nd
A comedy of repetitions
Chris is always a loser. He fails all the time.
He gets $25 dollars to buy his leather jacket, but it is more expensive. He must save his money in his piggy bank.
When he can buy his jacket, the discount is finished… it is $100 dollars…! He fails again. He is both disappointed and angry.
At the end, he both succeeds and fails. When he buys his jacket, it is too hot and he faints in the street!
Vocab: exhausted / sore
Everybody Hates Chris 05
Friday, March 19th
Chris’s final solution
Finally, Chris asks his father to work with him.
But, on the first day, he doesn’t wake on time = he oversleeps.
On the second day, Chris wakes up early and he gives coffee to his father. He wants to apologize.
They work together: they deliver newspapers
They load the newspaper in the truck
They drive in NYC
They throw the newspapers in the street.
Wednesday, March 17th
Chris’s solutions
He wants to work and find a job in … :
– a shoe shop. He wants to be a security guard to protect the shop. He can’t because he is too young, too skinny and short.
– a barber’s. The boss wants Chris to kill the competition. He wants Chris to burn the barber’s with matches.
– a grocer’s. He wants to put the groceries in the bags.
Groceries = fruit, veggies, … .
-> Chris fails to get a job. He is a loser.
Friday, March 12th
A new leather jacket for Chris
The scene takes place in Brooklyn in NYC in 1983.
The main character is Chris: a teenager who looks like a child but he wants to look strong and tall.
He imagines with a leather jacket he can be cool and popular.
In 1983, a leather jacket was the most fashionable and elegant outfit.
Chris doesn’t have money, it is expensive but there is a good discount today.
Everybody Hates Chris 01
Hi guys,
aujourd’hui nous avons récapitulé tout ce que vous deviez savoir pour l’analyse du tableau de Norman Rockwell grâce à une carte mentale.
Ensuite vous avez commencé à travailler sur votre « final task »: créer une nouvelle oeuvre pour représenter l’histoire Afro-Américaine.
Voici votre consigne et votre grille de critère pour réussir:
Et le tableau original : « The Problem We all Live With »