An efficient service
Tuesday, November 24 th
An efficient service
The dabbawala service is impressive because it’s not expensive; the food is from your home and your caste; it’s clean, and there are no problems of allergies.
The service is very famous so Prince Charles visited the dabbawalas and invited them to his wedding.
They have many problems: it’s very hot and wet in Mumbai. There is a lot of traffic!
Describe the picture of the Queen
Tuesday, November 24th
Describe the photo of the Queen
It’s the photo of Queen Elizabeth II (the second).
In the middle, there is Queen Elizabeth.
On the left, in the background, I can see her son.
On the right, there is her husband.
In the foreground, she is wearing white gloves and a gold watch.
In the background, there is a date: 1952 -> It’s the date when she had her crown.
=> it’s a very important photo because it’s the 50th anniversary of her reign.
Séquence 2, séance 8 bis
¡Hola chicos!
Hoy martes 24 de noviembre hicimos:
- EOI: ritual de clase
- EOI: Juego de preguntas
- EOI: Evaluación sobre un famoso
Séquence 2, séance 8
¡Hola chicos!
Hoy martes 24 de noviembre hicimos:
- EOI: ritual de clase
- EOI: corrección de la CO
- SL: Los números de 0 a 1000
- EOI: Juego de preguntas sobre una persona
- corriger l’activité 3 de l’évaluation
- revoir les nombres jusqu’à 1000
- être capable de poser et répondre à des questions sur une personne