Thursday, December 3rd
Suppositions (1)
Thursday, December 3rd
Suppositions (1)
I believe the jury will be moved and they will qualify Malaki.
I think Malaki will win the competition.
I guess his mother will cry too.
I suppose the spectators will not laugh /laf/ but they will encourage him.
The reality!
Thursday, December 3rd
The reality!
In reality, his mother comes on stage and cries too. She hugs him.
The jury comes on stage too.
The spectators applaud and encourage Malaki.
-> He has a 2nd chance, he can sing again.
Séquence 2, séance 3 bis
¡Hola chicos!
Hoy jueves 3 de diciembre hicimos:
- EOI: ritual de clase
- EOC: corrección del resumen sobre las fotos
- EOC: Descripción de un altar
- être capable de décrire une photo
- remettre au propre le document n°1
Séquence 2, séance 5 bis
¡Hola chicos!
Hoy jueves 3 de diciembre hicimos:
- EOI: ritual de clase
- EOC: presentación del trabajo de grupo
- être capable de raconter un voyage au passé à l’écrit
- revoir le passé