Auteur/autrice : wp_deleted_user
Tuesday, January 5th
Shaheen’s presentation
His name is Shaheen. He is 12 years old. He lives with his mom but he doesn’t have a dad.
He is extremely artistic and hard-working. He is very easy-going and a little energetic but he is not very lazy.
I believe he can sing extremely well. He sings for many occasions: weddings, parties, … I think his voice is amazing.
I guess the jury will qualify him and he will win the competition.
Rappel tâche finale à rendre sur

Tuesday, January 5th (the fifth)
Presentation of Saheen
His name is Saheen. He is 12 years old. He lives with his mom.
He is extremely artistic and very stressed out but he is a little cheerful. He is extremely hard-working.
He loves singing and he likes listening to Michael Jackson.
I believe he can sing extremely well.
I guess he will win the competition. I think the jury will qualify him and they will not eliminate him.
He has the best voice! He is amazing!
Rappel tâche finale à préparer:

Hi guys,
today you had to understand compliments.
Here they are:
Monday, January 4th
The compliments
– You are a star !
– You are amazing and incredible !
– You have a beautiful voice !
– You have the best smile !
– You are a little diamond !
Finally you started to prepare your final task. Vous devez vous aider des séquences 1, 2 et 3 pour réaliser cette tâche.

¡Hola chicos!

Hoy lunes 4 de enero hicimos:
- EOI: ritual de clase
- EOI: ¿Qué hiciste durante las vacaciones de Navidad?
- EOC: La rutina de Iker
- être capable de raconter la routine d’Iker à l’aide des mots de liaison
- réécouter 2 fois l’enregistrement sur la routine d’Iker
¡Hola chicos!

Hoy lunes 4 de enero hicimos:
- EOI: ritual de clase
- EOI: Cuéntame tu viaje
- être capable de poser et répondre à des questions sur un voyage
- revoir le passé à YO/TU/EL