Possibility, Obligation, Interdiction

Monday, September 28th

Possibility, Obligation, Interdiction

In class,

  • you can
  • you must
  • you mustn’t


In class, you must speak English but you mustn’t speak French. You can speak French just a little.

In class, you can drink water but you mustn’t drink fizzy drinks.

You mustn’t eat food (candy, chewing-gum…).

You mustn’t be late -> you must be on time.

You must put up your hand when you have a question.

You can ask questions.

The 5 best ways to survive in the wild

Friday, September 25th

The 5 best ways to survive in the wild


  1. You must believe you can. You must positive and courageous. If you are not brave, you will abandon and give up.
  2. You must make a fire. If you don’t, you can die of cold in 3 hours. Plus, a fire can scare wild animals and boil water.
  3. You must drink water. If you don’t, you can die in 3 days.
  4. You must sleep and build a shelter.
  5. You must be visible to find rescue.

The best ways to survive in the wild

Friday, September 25th

The best ways to survive in the wild

1. You must believe you can = You must be courageous because to survive in the forest you must not become crazy.

2. You must sleep because you mustn’t become crazy.

3. You must make a fire because in 3 hours you can die of cold. You can cook food and scare wild animals.

4. You must drink water because in 3 days you can die.

5. You must make a tool to create things (a shelter, a fire, …).