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The trailer of 127 hours
This is an action movie with suspense.
It’s a real story.
A man was* trapped in the desert for 5 days.
He tried to survive.
Personality -> He was* positive, energetic, a little crazy and courageous = He was a dare-devil.
Monday, September 28th
An amazing victory for the women

The women of Lyon won* the Champions’ League whereas the men of Paris didn’t win. They lost* against Germany.
Monday, September 28th
Possibility, Obligation, Interdiction

In class,
- you can …
- you must …
- you mustn’t …
In class, you must speak English but you mustn’t speak French. You can speak French just a little.
In class, you can drink water but you mustn’t drink fizzy drinks.
You mustn’t eat food (candy, chewing-gum…).
You mustn’t be late -> you must be on time.
You must put up your hand when you have a question.
You can ask questions.
Friday, September 25th
The 5 best ways to survive in the wild

- You must believe you can. You must positive and courageous. If you are not brave, you will abandon and give up.
- You must make a fire. If you don’t, you can die of cold in 3 hours. Plus, a fire can scare wild animals and boil water.
- You must drink water. If you don’t, you can die in 3 days.
- You must sleep and build a shelter.
- You must be visible to find rescue.
Friday, September 25th
The best ways to survive in the wild

1. You must believe you can = You must be courageous because to survive in the forest you must not become crazy.
2. You must sleep because you mustn’t become crazy.
3. You must make a fire because in 3 hours you can die of cold. You can cook food and scare wild animals.
4. You must drink water because in 3 days you can die.
5. You must make a tool to create things (a shelter, a fire, …).