Aron’s adventure

Thursday, October 1st (the first)

The chronology of events

1. Aron rode* his bike in the desert and he fell*. It was* not a big accident.

2. He met* two women and they had* an adventure together. They visited the desert.

3. The two girls left* and he was* alone.

4. A big rock fell* on him and he was* hurt.

5. Finally he was* trapped and blocked. He screamed for help.

His problems

He didn’t drink water / He didn’t eat any food / He didn’t call for rescue / He didn’t have reception / Nobody could hear him. He didn’t have a shelter.

The chronology of his adventure

Wednesday, September 30th


The chronology of his adventure

1. Aron biked in the desert.

2. He fell* from his bike but it was* not a dangerous accident.

3. He met* two women and they had* a great adventure. They jumped in a natural pool!

4. A big rock fell* on his arm and he was* trapped in the desert for 5 days.


His problems

He didn’t have any water, any food and any phone reception -> He couldn’t call 9-1-1, he couldn’t drink, and he couldn’t eat.

He wasn’t visible so he screamed. He couldn’t sleep because he was hurt and he didn’t have a shelter.


Séquence 1, séance 8

¡Hola chicos!

Hoy miércoles 30 de septiembre de hicimos:

  1. EOI: ritual de clase
  2. EOC: Repaso sobre la lección
  3. Kahoot: juegos sobre el material y los colores


  • EVALUACIÓN: se présenter, l’alphabet, les jours, la date, les chiffres, le matériel, les couleurs, les questions
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