A pessimistic vision

Friday, October 2nd (the second)

A pessimistic vision

He knew* he was gonna die.

He imagined he was* in his grave.

He knew* he was not gonna get free.

He believed it was* the end of his life: he wanted to give up / to abandon during 24 hours.

He guessed nobody was gonna find and rescue him.

rock = boulder
desert = remote area

gorge = canyon

A pessimistic vision

Friday, October 2nd (the second)

A pessimistic vision

He imagined he was gonna die.

He thought* he was in his grave.

He believed he was never gonna get his arm free.

He imagined nobody was gonna find and rescue him.

He said* it was finished, the end of his story.

During the first 24 hours, he gave* up / he abandoned.

Vocabulary: rock = boulder / desert = remote area

Séquence 1, séance 8

¡Hola chicos!

Hoy jueves 1 de octubre hicimos:

  1. EOI: ritual de clase
  2. EOC: Repaso sobre la lección
  3. Kahoot: juegos sobre el material y los colores


  • EVALUACIÓN: se présenter, l’alphabet, les jours, la date, les chiffres, le matériel, les couleurs, les questions
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