Auteur/autrice : wp_deleted_user
¡Hola chicos!
Hoy lunes 12 de octubre hicimos:
- EOI: ritual de clae
- EOI: 34 preguntas sobe Mario Casas
- EE: Mis gustos
- preparación del proyecto final
- être capable de poser et répondre à des questions sur quelqu’un
- recopier sur le cahier l’exercice d’EE sur les goûts
Monday, October 12th (the twelfth)
Marion’s presentation
It‘s a girl. Her name is Marion.
She is 33 years old. She has one little brother. He is 30. She has one cat (its name is cat-cat).
She loves speaking Japanese and English.
She enjoys dancing. She likes watching « La Haine » and anime. She loves listening to Kery James.
She doesn’t like drinking fizzy drinks.
She hates watching horror movies.
Monday, October 12th
Crazy possible actions!
If ……. (preterite) , …….. (would / not) + VERB
If I were Aron, I would light a fire.
If I lit a fire, I would make smoke to find rescue.
If I had a lighter, I would make a fire easily.
If I had a phone, I would make a flashlight to attract attention but I wouldn’t call 9-1-1 because there is no service.
If I saw a spider, I wouldn’t kill it or eat it.

Hi guys,
today we worked on food vocabulary and classifying.
Then, we continued speaking about your food habits.
Here is what you wrote in your copybooks:

You can do this exercise again to train and remember your vocabulary:
Monday, October 12th
Rules at Charlton (2) (food and drinks)
At Charlton, parents must cook food for their children because they don’t have any canteens.
You can drink water in class but you mustn’t drink fizzy drinks.
Vocabulary: lunch box / packed lunch
Exercice de vocabulaire (dictée) à faire en ligne: