Monday, December 14th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez découvert comment se termine l’audition de Malaki en réalité !

Compliments for Malaki

Actually, Malaki has a big smile and he is moved.

The spectators are moved, they cry and they applaud.

His mother goes on stage and hugs Malaki again.

The jury gives compliments to Malaki:

– You are very brave!

– It’s very simple: you are a big star!

– It’s amazing! It’s a natural talent!

Malaki is qualified because he has 4 yeses.

Homework for Tuesday 15th:

– être capable de dire ce qui se passe finalement pour Malaki + des compliments

Monday, December 14th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez écouté deux conversations en classe!

In the classroom

In the picture, there are boys and girls in a classroom.

They have got a red and white uniform.

One girl has got glasses.

Peter is in Maths class and he has got a problem.

He hasn’t got his book but he has got a ruler and a calculator.

Dory is in Art class and she has got a problem.

She hasn’t got her scissors but she has got a glue stick and Ø felt pens.

Homework for Tuesday 15th:

– être capable de parler du problème de Dory ou Peter.

– revoir le vocabulaire des school objects.

Thursday, December 10th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez dit ce que vous aviez dans votre trousse, et nous avons commencé à décrire une image.

In my pencil case

In my pencil case, I have got a blue pen, a yellow highlighter, scissors, a glue stick and a pencil, but I haven’t got a calculator (because it is in my school bag).


– a compass

– a pencil sharpener

– a four-colour pen

Homework for Monday 14th:

– être capable de dire tout ce qu’on a ou pas dans la trousse.

Thursday, December 10th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez parlé de l’audition d’une nouvelle candidate !

Asanda’s audition – Part 1

Her name is Asanda and she‘s eleven. She‘s a schoolgirl.

She thinks she‘s a diva on a catwalk.

She‘s not nervous at all becaus

e she has sparkles in her eyes.

She‘s extremely talkative and easy-going.

She‘s very lazy because she doesn’t do her homework.

The jury and the spectators are impressed !

She loves Rihanna and Beyonce.

I believe the jury will not buzz her.

Homework for Tuesday 15th:

– être capable de présenter Asanda.