Monday, June 14th


Aujourd’hui, nous avons commencé à apprendre comment commander dans un restaurant.

Ordering at the restaurant


Hi ! I’m starving as an ogre, I would like / I’d like a burger with fries and for dessert a cheesecake and two donuts. To drink, I’d like a lemonade.

How much is it, please?


It’s 22 dollars all together.

HW for Tuesday 15th:

revoir leçon 1 et 2 + VOC FICHE + Lesson 3 par coeur.

Monday, June 14th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez appris à utiliser 7 prépositions de lieu pour décrire une image (ex. page 58-59 WB et 69 VOC)

Objects in the living-room

The teapot is on the coffee table.

The sugar is next to the teapot.

The magazines are under the coffee table.

The window is behind the flowers in the vase.

The cup is in front of Wallace.

The vase is between the two curtains.

HW for Tuesday 15th:

– être capable de décrire l’image et les objets qui se trouvent dedans (leçon)

Thursday, June 10th

Some extra context for the murders

In 1888, London was* the largest capital city in the world.

Queen Victoria was* at the head of the country for fifty years. It was* a flourishing period.

And, the Whitechapel murders suddenly caused a scandal.

This district was* sordid, violent, with a lot of drunkenness. It had* the highest death rate.

For the 76000 residents, it was* a daily battle to survive.

A lot of women (1200) had* to turn to prostitution for survival.

HW for Monday 14th: être capable de parler de Whitechapel (TEST) FICHE + Leçon.

Thursday, June 10th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez terminé de réviser les pièces de la maison et les objets.

Ensuite, nous avons commencé U4L1 avec la description d’une image tirée du film Wallace and Gromit.

What’s in my friend’s kitchen or bedroom?

In Iheb’s bedroom, there is a bed and a chair but there aren’t flowers.

In Ikram’s bedroom, there is a bed, but there aren’t magazines and there isn’t a teapot.

Wallace and Gromit

The document is a screenshot from an animated movie.

In the picture, there is a dog and a human in a living-room.

The human is reading a magazine.

The dog is looking at Wallace’s magazine but he isn’t reading his book.

On the coffee table, there is a teapot and sugar.

HW for Monday 14th: être capable de présenter l’image de Wallace and Gromit.