Monday, June 21st

The profile of the victims

They were* all prostitutes.

They were* all alone in the streets at night.

They all lived in Whitechapel, and they were* killed in 1888.

Some were drinking before the murders, but some were just going home or eating. And some were talking to a potential customer.

HW for Wednesday 2:

connaître le profile des victimes et ce qu’elles étaient en train de faire.

Monday, June 21st (the twenty-first)


Aujourd’hui, vous avez découvert l’extrait du film que vous allez jouer ensuite !

A problem at the fast food

The document is a video extract from a movie.

It is in an American fast food.

There are three characters: a waitress, a customer and a manager.

The customer wants breakfast but it is three minutes late. The waitress says he can have lunch.

The customer wants to speak with the manager.

But the manager is not nice, he is laughing at the customer.

HW for Tuesday 22nd: connaître les 4 premières phrases du script.

Monday, June 21st (the twenty-first)


Aujourd’hui, vous avez regardé un nouvel épisode des Jones pour découvrir leurs habitudes.

The Jones’s habits

Oliver always does the shopping but he never goes to the supermarket.

The mum always puts the shopping away and she always does the gardening.

Amelia takes the pet out every day.

The dad always does the cooking and he sometimes uses Ollie’s powers.

HW for Tuesday 22nd:

– être capable de parler des habitudes de deux membres de la famille au moins.

– relire la fiche présent simple

Thursday, June 17th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez créé votre propre saynète au fast food avec ce que vous avez appris jusqu’ici.

New questions for your dialogue

Questions for the waiter/waitress:

– Are you ready to order?

– What about you? / And you, Madam?

– Would you like to order dessert? something to drink?

– Would you like tea or coffee?

Questions and order for the customers:

– What kind of burger is the burger of the day?

– I would like = I’d like = I’ll have… (I will have)

Thursday, June 17th


Aujourd’hui, vous avez fait deux exercices page 70 et 71 du WB avant de commencer à parler de vos habitudes (U4L2).

My habits

never – sometimes – often – always

I _______ put the shopping away.

I _______ do the cleaning.

I _______ do the cooking.

I _______ take the pet out.

HW for Monday 21st: être capable de parler de ses habitudes (leçon).