
Aujourd’hui, vous avez découvert le premier document de la Séquence 7: American Diners.

An American Diner

The document is a menu from Route 66 diner.

It’s an American restaurant because:

– there are typical American dishes, for example donuts and burgers.

– you must pay in dollars.

– Route 66 is a very famous and long route from Chicago to Los Angeles.

– it is in American English.

  • In the US, they say « fries » while in the UK, they say « chips ».

  • The spelling in the UK for « doughnut » is more difficult than in the US (« donut »).

  • Contrary to the UK, in the US there is no « u » in « favorite ».

Free refill is when you pay one drink and you can drink again for free.

HW for Thursday 10th:

– être capable de parler de Route 66 menu.

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