
Aujourd’hui, nous avons fait des exercices du manuel et du WB.

Ensuite, vous avez décrit Wayne et nous avons commencé l’activité Trouble at the hotel!

Exercise 4

a. Mike is not very tall.

b. He has got a square face.

c. Mike’s hair is short.

d. His nose is big.

– Young is the contrary of old.

– Cute is a synonym of adorable and it’s the contrary of ugly.

– Curly is the contrary of straight.

Wayne’s presentation

This is Wayne. He is a wolf.

He has got small pointed ears.

His eyes are small and brown.

He‘s got a long nose and a long pink tongue.

Wayne’s arms are hairy and long and his legs are short.

He has got a lot of yellow teeth and fangs.

He‘s not very tall and he is not very big.

He‘s ugly and funny but he‘s not dangerous.

Homework for Tuesday 2nd:

– être capable de présenter Wayne par coeur

– Spelling bee – Mercredi

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