
Today, we talked about your emotions when you are dancing and then you watched Billy Elliot’s trailer.

This is what you understood.

What does it feel when you’re dancing?

When I’m dancing, I feel cheerful, clumsy, free, emotional, moved, romantic, crazy…

I feel like an elephant, a monkey, a bird, a tiger, a snake… because I’m a very bad/good dancer, I’m very shy…

I feel like Beyonce because I’m a star but only in my bedroom.

Billy Elliot’s trailer

It’s an emotional movie, a drama.

The story takes place in England.

Billy Elliot doesn’t like boxing, he prefers dancing.

He wants to dance but his father doesn’t agree.

He says dancing is for girls. Boys can do boxing, play football but they mustn’t dance.

His mother is dead and he has a big brother.

His dance teacher encourages him to go to the Royal ballet school because she thinks he can dance extremely well.

At the end, I think the father will change his mind and Billy will continue to dance.

Homework for Thursday 21st:

– être capable de présenter le film (trailer sur le blog)

– dire ce qu’on ressent quand on danse.

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