
Aujourd’hui, vous vous êtes posé.e.s des questions pour partager les informations sur le Canada et la Jamaïque.

The flags and geography of Canada and Jamaica

The Canadian flag is red and white with a maple leaf.

Red symbolizes prosperity and hope and white represents impartiality.

Canada is a country. It’s between the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans and it is above the USA.

There are about 40 million inhabitants.

The official languages are French and English.

The capital city is Ottawa.

The Jamaican flag is black, gold and green.

Black represents strength, gold symbolizes sunlight and green represents hope.

Jamaica is an island. It’s next to the USA and Mexico in the Carribean sea.

The capital city is Kingston.

There are about 3 million inhabitants.

The official languages are English and Patois.

Homework for Wednesday 20th:

– être capable de présenter le drapeau et la géographie d’un pays.

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