
Today, we started a new sequence: Step back into the past! and you described a picture.

Le comparatif de supériorité

Il sert à comparer deux choses ou personnes entre elles : PLUS…QUE.

– avec un adj. court : adj-ER + than

– avec un adj. se terminant par – Y : adj-IER + than

– avec un adj. long : MORE + adj. + than

Real or fake?

In the picture, there are four characters.

In the middle, there is Queen Elizabeth II (the second).

She‘s wearing a white dress, a blue scarf with medals and white gloves. She has a crown and jewels. She’s very chic and elegant.

On the right, there is Prince Philip, the Queen’s husband.

On the left, there is Prince Charles, the Queen’s son.

They are wearing military uniforms with a lot of medals.

The hairstylist is brushing the Queen’s hair. She’s the only real person. The others are wax statues !

HW for Monday 23rd : TEST SEQUENCE 2 + être capable de dire 3 phrases pr présenter le DOC 1 SEQ 3.

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