Thursday, October 15th
Rules at Charlton: food and drinks
At Charlton, you can drink water in class but you mustn’t drink fizzy drinks in school.
Parents must cook the lunches for the children because they don’t have a canteen.
Vocabulary: a lunch box = a packed lunch
Correction du test « Rules at School » à recopier SANS ERREUR et à rendre sur feuille au propre :
si note S = 1 fois / note F = 2 fois / note I = 3 fois
You mustn’t wear a cap.
You can use a dictionary.
You mustn’t tweet in class.
You mustn’t blow bubbles.
You must hightlight new words.
You mustn’t rock on your chair.
You can decorate your copybook.
You mustn’t day-dream in class.
You mustn’t sleep.
You must put your paper in the bin.