
Today, you discovered and analysed a second ad campaign.

Ad campaign n°2

The document is an ad campaign because it doesn’t sell any products.

It encourages people to eat healthy. It’s good for your health: for your skin, heart, eyes, bones, joints and brain!

In the middle, there are little frames with texts inside.

There is a slogan above the frames: you should eat a rainbow, it’s healthy!

The « rainbow » is a metaphor for the colours of the pieces of fruit and veggies.

At the bottom and at the top, there are pictures of pieces of fruit and veggies: corn, pumpkins, oranges, tomatoes, cherries, pomegranates, kiwis, lettuce, broccoli, grapes, raspberries, blueberries.

I believe that contrary to the first ad campaign, the second is more specific and more convincing because there’s more information.

Homework for Thursday 1st:

– être capable de décrire AD n°2







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